


Hi,我是黄玄,前端娱乐圈 NPC,编程语言/编译器初心者,Facebook 签约软件工程师,广院认证数字设计师,曾被招募为阿里巴巴 · 阿里旅行(飞猪)· 前端工程师、微影时代 · 微票儿 · 前端基础设施工程团队负责人、饿了么 · 大前端团队 · PWA 顾问 等。


我的编程语言可视化 (WIP 🚧)

这个图表可视化了我对于各种编程语言的使用经历、兴趣,还附带了一些评语和解释等等。 啊我知道对比编程语言是一件很有争议的事情……自娱自乐一下!不要太较真哦 ;)


Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

Hi, I am @huxpro (Huang, Xuan), a Facebook software engineer and a degreed digital designer. My interests range from programming languages in general (type system, type-based formal verification, compilers, runtime systems, garbage collection) to indurstial software engineering (web/mobile app development, user interface and UX, developer infrastructure and DX).

In the past, I worked on Alitrip (Fliggy) mobile and web apps under the Alibaba Group, found and lead front-end infrastructure team at a unicorn startup Beijing Weiying (WePiao), and helped Ele.me to upgrade their mobile web into the first influential PWA (progressive web app) in China.

I studied BA, Digital Media Art at Communication University of China and MS, Computer Science with a focus on programming languages at Rochester Institute of Technology.

My PL Spectrum (WIP 🚧)

I made a chart to visualize my experiences and interests on some of the programming languages. I know, I know this could be very contraversial. But it’s a quite self-entertaining side project to do right? So have fun and don’t take it too serious!
